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{5} Ways To Support A New Mum

Being a Mum has got to be one of the toughest but most rewarding jobs in the world. It takes the most work but has the highest reward and you can never understand the role of a Mum until you become one.

As soon as the little one is born it completely changes the new Mum (and Dad's) life. She no longer thinks for only herself but her little one too. Her schedule is not her own, but her babies and her heart has never been so full and bursting with love.

Upon babies arrival it is custom for friends and family to pour their love onto the new Mum, Dad and baby through flowers, balloons and cute outfits. But sometimes, in those first few weeks and months, what would be greatly appreciated is practical support to help Mum adjust to her new lifestyle.

Now there is a fine line between being there and being in the way, so it is very important to remember every new Mum and/or Dad has unique needs and what works for some might not help others. So in saying that, we have thought of some of the most helpful ways you could help and support new Parent's that you know and love.

1- Turn up with pre-cooked meals

Cooking can be the last thing new Mum's (and Dad's) think of or even want to do after they have been up and down all day and night with a newborn. Calling in with pre-cooked meals that can be frozen or reheated would be greatly appreciated and also help to make sure the new parents are still looking after themselves.

2- Offer your cleaning services

When you are visiting for those gorgeous and snuggly baby cuddles you can always ask the new parents whether they want any help around the house. Many of those household jobs that used to get done quick smart will go to the bottom of the list with a newborn in the house. The washing pile gets higher, vacuuming is left undone and bathroom cleaning is not a high priority. Even spending half an hour completing chores would make a world of difference for the adjusting parents.

Please note this will be different for many people so maybe ask if they want your help first or gift them a 'cleaning voucher' that they can use (from you) when and if they feel the need.

3- Ring and offer to run errands

Quick trips to the supermarket are now a huge trip out with not only organising the baby and nappy bag but also having the time to think and write the grocery list. So if you are out and about yourself you can always ring the new Mum and ask if there is anything you can grab for her along your journey or if you noticed she was low on products when you visited, consider grabbing those items and dropping them off on the way home. I promise she will be secretly relieved and very grateful.

4- Offer to watch baby for a while

Whilst new Mums are adjusting to their lifestyle they most likely will not want to leave their baby but that does not mean you can't offer to snuggle baby at her house while she has a long hot shower or an afternoon nap. These small things we take for granted can make the world of a difference to a tired Mummy.

5- Suggest a short walk

Outings can be far and few between for Mum and baby. They can also be very daunting. You can always call and suggest you all head out for a short walk to the park or along the boardwalk to get fresh air, stretch your legs and possibly grab a coffee. The adult company may just be what she needs and do her the world of good whilst having friendly support.

There are many other things you can do to help new Mums, even just small things like telling her she is doing a great job will make her feel amazing in this new and important role she has taken on for a lifetime.

If you live afar or have an extremely busy family life yourself and are unable to offer practical help as suggested above please don't think that purchased gifts are not appreciated. They definitely are still a fantastic option and will still be greatly loved and cherished by the new parents and baby.

Here at The Pressie Box we offer a fantastic Baby range that always leaves a lasting impression. Our baby gift boxes are very successful along with our range of Pressie Boxes to pamper the new mum and/or parents. Feel free to check them all out online at www.thepressiebox.co.nz or get in touch with us, as we are more than happy to help you create a custom gift too.


 "If parenting came with a GPS, it would mostly just say: RECALCULATING"

If you've got this far, then a big THANKS for reading! I am interested to hear what you have done in the past to help out brand new parents on the arrival of their precious bundle.

~ Rach x


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